One must find it
Stacked stone blocks and indecipherable marks that seem to be the scattered pieces of a map indicating the way to another place.

Il faut le trouver
Des blocs de pierre empilés et des marques indéchiffrables qui semblent être les morceaux épars d’une carte indiquant le chemin vers un autre lieu.

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 01

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 02

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 03

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 04

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 05

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 06

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 07

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 08

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 09

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 10

A map to another planet - petroglyphe 11

Hasselblad 500cm + Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 Cf + Kodak Portra 400